
Coming Spoon!

Friday, July 11, 2008, is going to be one of the happiest days of my life.  Spoon Me opens in Provo!  Yes friends, it's true.  The world's most delectable frozen yogurt will be spooning at 150 West Bulldog.  If anyone comes to visit, I will take them there.  If anyone is having a bad day, I will spoon it away.  If anyone wants a real treat, we will spoon.  And I will save so much gas because I won't have to drive to Salt Lake to fill my monthly spooning quota.

Oh, and please read the frequent spooner's FAQ.  It's kind of funny (#4 and #6 in particular).

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

thanks for taking me there when i came to ut. that was such a fun night. I miss spoon me & trio love.