

So I am blogging. Credit is due to the many bloggers out there who nag me to blog. I hope all of you know that this means I will be returning even less phone calls.


Caitlin said...

I am so happy. I think I am bursting at the seams. How do I express the joy I am feeling right at this moment? If there really are less phone calls, there will have to be more blogs. I am witnessing the birth of a very good thing. I can't wait to blog with you. By the way, I voted for April.
Yours truly

Caitlin said...

by the way, did you see my last post? I think you'll appreciate it. Prepare yourself.

Caitlin said...

oh and one other thing, did I mention how happy I am that you're blogging?

ebv said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Ms. Johnson. May you find as much joy in digital scrapbooking as you do in the fine arts!

When I make my first million as a corrupt and/or bloodsucking attorney, I will gladly become your patron.

So long as you make my trees happy trees. ;D

Becca said...

a few things - that's one of my favorite pictures of you, I had this same background for a while so I think it's cute, caitlin makes me smile, and you're pretty much the coolest sister ever :)

villiful. love.

Mike Lau said...

Missy I love it!

Lizzie said...

YES! Finally, the missy blog. This is my new favorite website. I'm thrilled! Ecstatic! Over joyed! You get the picture.