
Nos Vemos

So, I had a dream last night that one of my ex-boyfriends tried to kill me with a little bomb that was sent through the antenna of his palm pilot, through chlorinated water, and into my ear. Luckily it didn't go off because it could only be used once and it could only work on the right person...somehow I had avoided it before. I woke up right in the middle of some other funny events in the dream. Needless to say, I'm scared to go swimming (not).

I am leaving for Argentina (well for the airport), in about an hour, and I'm stoked. Becca happily announced (via email) that dulce de leche is "sin gluten", so, if I never come home again, that's why. Nos Vemos!


Lizzie said...

Crazy dream! HAVE SO MUCH FUN IN ARGENTINA! And I'm so jealous. Take hundreds and hundreds of pictures so I can live vicariously through you. Thanks.

jenny said...

you're weird! i can't believe you're leaving me. good thing i'm leaving too. miss you!

jenniferhoiyin said...

I love/hate crazy dreams. Well, only when I can't seem to shake them for a good ten minutes.

I'm positive you'll have fun in Argentina. I too, am jealous.

When will you be back again? Did you hear Kristin is getting married September 10? yay. :)