
The life of a BYU "teacher."

Well guys, it has begun.  I have been observing different schools all semester, and now I have started teaching lessons in some of these classes!  Here are the projects we are working on at the elementary level.

Here are some of the airplanes and helicopters we are working on in conjunction with the students' studies of WWII.

We also designed and built an AIRCRAFT CARRIER.  Can you believe that?

This is my favorite of all of the projects...Taka's "flying pig" helicopter.  "When pigs fly," get it?

And we are also building a CASTLE to cover the entryway of the kids' social studies room.   We talked about architecture briefly and reviewed the parts of a castle (which the students had already learned) and then let them design the facade.  They are all really self-directed learners.  I love these kids!
Painting the door.



An anchor for the aircraft carrier...way out of place but I don't feel like fixing it.

Door and coat of arms.


G said...

The cookies are ridiculously GOOD! Thomas and I ate them all in a 24 hour period. They are also ridiculous because they can be made without flour, which means you can eat them too! Let's have lunch! Miss you.

Lizzie said...

WOW! That looks like so much fun! Look at you, using art to change little kids' lives.

Shan said...

Umm the air craft carrier is freakin' awesome! Teaching's fun, huh? I really miss it. I bet you're having a BLAST!

Anonymous said...


Love the anchor and the helicopter pig.

I'm glad you are teaching.

I love you!


iyouandme said...

Yay for teaching! Do the kids call you Miss Johnson?