
Love this.

Oddly enough, I feel that earrings might ruin it.


Anonymous said...


Well, it's true, that just any old earings might ruin it. But, not the wonderful things that dangle from your ears--they would definitely not ruin it!

Can't wait to celebrate you B-day this evening. I hope you had fun yesterday!

Te amo muchisimo!


P.S. I hope your feet are finally better!

Lizzie said...

I got a job at anthropologie.

Lizzie said...

That's from UO, right? Very fun.

Kristin said...

Missy where do you find all of these ridiculously adorable things? I love this.

jenniferhoiyin said...

true, unless they were all silver, cream and crystal.
I'm so happy you're getting married :D

Mame said...

It would make a cute center piece for a wedding somehow ....