
Favorite season?

Okay, so, most of you know that I LIVE for Summer.  It is absolutely my favorite season.  I love the sun, the fact that it shines, the fact that it makes me warm, the fact that it makes me tan, etc, etc.  I am also IN LOVE with the fact that I get to wear ridiculously, sinfully bright colors that shouldn't be legal in any of the fifty states.  I also love lime popsicles, pebble ice, going swimming, laying by the pool, hiking in Zion, going to the condo...the list goes on and on.  

Well, today I was thinking that I might possibly have a new favorite season: Autumn.  Okay, that's a lie. I guess it's not my favorite but it is rivaling my love for Summer quite forcefully.  I think it could be my favorite season, but only under certain conditions.  Wait, I have an idea.  What if we made Autmer, Sumtumn, or something like that?  The last two months of Summer, the first two months of Autumn...that would be the perfect season.  Any thoughts?  Lime popsicles AND nutmeg all in the same season?  I think I'm on to something here!

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