

Well kids, finals are over. It’s done. I’m graduating. I spent the past two weeks performing, critiquing, turning in projects, studying, and this morning at 11:00 I took my last undergraduate test.

Just kidding. Now I am free to finish making up the three classes I have had to take “incomplete” grades in over the past year. Then I have a year solid of classes left in my undergraduate degree. Then I have pre-requisites for graduate school. And then, from the looks of my recent (well, recurring) obsession, I have at least three years of graduate school after that.

But graduating was a fun idea, too.


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Meesh.

The Weird One wishes you all the best in your continuing educational pursuits!!!

Te amo,


navajotwin said...

hey, i said hi too, without reading your post. But it looks too interesting to not read, so i think i'm going back to read it :)